Admin Portal Concept

Admin Portal Concept

Admin Portal

Biomedical Firm
My Role : UI / UX Designer
Tools : Figma


During the internship at MOVE IT MOVE IT Ltd. I was asked to design a admin portal for a biomedical firm to assign truck driver to different delivery order and help the admin to oversee the whole operation, with time schedule and information on the driver and customer.

Design Showcase

In the main schedule dashboard, I design a drag-and-drop feature where the order can be easily assign to different driver with clear visualisation on the order’s timeframe.

To view the order detail, click on the order block to show info like location, progress and order data etc.

Here you can check out the driver data, including stats, personal information, his/her current order and past order.

Notification drop-down menu

Order Tab

Notification Tab

Order Detail

Design Components

© 2023 William Chan

© 2023 William Chan

© 2023 William Chan