Mint · a Budgeting App

a Budgeting App

Mint · a Budgeting App

Case Study
My Role : UI / UX Designer, UX Researcher
Tools : Figma, FigJam




Rasing financial literacy for public, especially youth is essential. Survey show 6 in 10 Hong Kong teenagers struggle to cover their expenses and only 9 % of them kept detail records of their expense. This prevent them from tracking their expense and setting up proper financial budget. Thats why I design Mint - a simple yet pack with crutial feature budgeting app.

Rasing financial literacy for public, especially youth is essential. Survey show 6 in 10 Hong Kong teenagers struggle to cover their expenses and only 9 % of them kept detail records of their expense. This prevent them from tracking their expense and setting up proper financial budget. Thats why I design Mint - a simple yet pack with crutial feature budgeting app.

Rasing financial literacy for public, especially youth is essential. Survey show 6 in 10 Hong Kong teenagers struggle to cover their expenses and only 9 % of them kept detail records of their expense. This prevent them from tracking their expense and setting up proper financial budget. Thats why I design Mint - a simple yet pack with crutial feature budgeting app.


To start off the project, I want to understand what is the habit of youth in recording expense and what are their problem/pain point in tracking financial expense. So I interview few of my peers about thier experience and asking question such as :

a) Have you faced any difficulties when using budgeting or other related app?
b) Is there any feature do you think is lacking in your current budgetting app?
c) What data would you like to visualize?

After hearing their response, it is clear that they want a easy and fast way to track their record and simple visualizatin of their spending data.

Design Process

💡 Competitive Analysis

I decide to first conduct a competitive analysis to help ideate the app design. I choose several popular budget and expense tracking app to compare their good and bad.





After comparing these app, there are a few area which has the potential to improve. Where I can incoperate these improvement into Mint.

1. Most app doesn’t have prominent visual showing the financial situation of the user. Most chart is inside different sub-path. Which prevent the user from seeing their financial status at the first sight. Then, pile of data and charts is given to user which could cause cognitive load to the user and feel overwhelming. Therefore simplifying the data visualization could be an opportunity to improve the user experience in budgeting app.

2. Too much click is needed to finish tracking an expense. Most app in the competitive analysis show more than 5 clicks is need to complete a single expense tracking, which could cause user to feel annoyed and troublesome. So reducing clicks in recording expense is a good way to improve the app experience.

💡 Crazy Eight Ideation

After getting some insight from competitive analysis, I use the crazy eight method to draft some potenial design.

💡 Lo-Fi Design

💡 Hi-Fi Design Mock-up

Usability Study

To refine the design, I conduct a moderated usability test. In the test I asked participant to perform certain task and try out different features. Then I create a affinity map to form insight from the user’s feedback.

Insight 1
Users want to be able to create sub-account and see more detail in different account

Insight 2
Users want to add memo about their expense.

Insight 3
Users want some sort of confirmation after finish recording expense.


After the usability study I iterate the design base on the 3 insights.

Insight 1

Add sub-account and the account's detail

Insight 2

Allow user to add memo on expense

Insight 3

Add confirmation animation/indicator

(The tick icon will temporary change to yellow to indicate successfuly added expense)

Prototype Showcase

© 2023 William Chan

© 2023 William Chan

© 2023 William Chan